A collection of images of insects and invertebrates taken in the UK and around the world.
SYMPETRUM FONSCOLOMBII (FEMALE): Taken in the Etang de Marseillette, France
Sympetrum fonscolombii (female)
ADONIS BLUE: An Adonis Blue butterfly - taken near Chalabre, France.
Adonis Blue
HEATH FRITILLARY: A Heath Fritillary butterfly - taken near Chalabre, France.
Heath Fritillary
DEMOISELLE FLY: Demoiselle Fly - taken in the Etang de Marseillette, France
Demoiselle Fly
MOUNTAIN BEE: A mountain bee feeding on nectar.
Mountain Bee
SCARCE SWALLOWTAIL: A Scarce Swallowtail butterfly - taken near Lautrec, France.
Scarce Swallowtail
HUMMINGBIRD HAWK MOTH: A Hummingbird Hawk Moth - taken near Toulouse, France.
Hummingbird Hawk Moth
FOUR-SPOT CHASER: Four-spot Chaser - taken at Shapwick Heath, Somerset.
Four-spot Chaser
COMMON BLUE: A Common Blue butterfly - taken near Horseley, Gloucestershire.
Common Blue
ROBBER FLY: Robber Fly with prey - taken near Horseley, Gloucestershire.
Robber Fly
SAW FLY: A saw fly feeding on dock leaves.
Saw Fly
SAWFLY: Sawfly on Dock Leaf - taken near Horseley, Gloucestershire.
BUMBLE BEE: Bumble bee on cornflower - taken near Cirencester, UK
Bumble bee
GREEN HAIRSTREAK: I discovered a colony of these beautiful butterflies on the heather flowering in my garden.
Green Hairstreak
WOOD ANTS: Wood Ants on Oak leaves.
Wood Ants
GARDEN SPIDER: A Garden Spider waits for unsuspecting prey in its dewy web.
Garden Spider
BROAD-BODIED CHASER: A male Broad-bodied chaser (Libellula depressa) rests between hunting flights.
Broad-bodied chaser
LARGE BLUE BUTTERFLY: After 50 years of trying to prevent its decline, the Large Blue Butterfly (Maculinea arion) was eventually pronounced extinct in the UK in 1979. After a number of years of careful habitat management, the 1984 reintroduction of the Large Blue Butterfly at two UK sites has been a huge success. This example was photographed on Daneway Banks in Gloucestershire, UK.
Large Blue Butterfly
AZURE DAMSELFLY (COENAGRION PUELLA) MATING: A pair of Azure Damselflies captured mating.
Azure Damselfly (Coenagrion puella) mating
WONDERING SPIDER SP.: A wondering spider species wait for unsuspecting prey.
Wondering Spider sp.
WOLF SPIDER: Wolf spider species hunt by ambushing their prey. They rely on stealth and speed.
Wolf Spider
DAMSEL FLY: A cloud forest damsel fly perches on a convenient twig
Damsel Fly
TAILLESS WHIP SCORPION (AMBLYPUGI SP.): A tailless whip scorpion dismembers its victim. This animal is not a scorpion but is an Arachnid species and related to spiders.
Tailless Whip Scorpion (Amblypugi Sp.)
LARGE RED DAMSELFLY: A Large Red Damselfly rests on a blade of variegated aquatic grass.
Large Red Damselfly
SOUTHERN HAWKER DRAGONFLY.: A Southern Hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea, emerges from the nymph.
Southern Hawker dragonfly.
CUCKOO BEE: A cuckoo bee, Nomada flava, is captured drinking nectar from white flowers. This species does not make its own nest. It lays its eggs in the nests of miner bees.
Cuckoo bee
COMMA BUTTERFLY: A Comma butterfly rests upon a Hemp Agrimony flower.
Comma Butterfly
CINNABAR CATERPILLAR: A fully grown Cinnabar moth caterpillar feeding on Ragwort.
Cinnabar caterpillar
CINNABAR CATERPILLAR: A fully grown Cinnabar moth caterpillar feeding on Ragwort.